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It's About the Journey

 And if you going through it, cling to God, let Him hold you
It ain't the destination, it's the journey that molds you
But when you going through it, cling to God, let Him hold you
It ain't the destination, it's the journey that molds you


"Nick, I'm not looking forward to anything in particular three years from now other than the fact that in three years., I'll have known you for three more years than I know you now." 

The words came out of my mouth without much thought but a whole lot of feeling. Nick and I had been discussing our youth and future in ministry and I realized that while we are young, we could often times look forward to things in the future without really caring for the present. In this instance however, I was considering the fact that Nick and I are better friends than I had thought recently. Not best friends, maybe not close friends, but definitely good friends. As we were talking I thought of how Nick and I have gotten to know each other in the last two and a half years, and the prospect of continuing to do ministry with my brother in Christ brought more and more joy to me.

I began to think of others. Anh and Audra, Caleb Abshire, Hayden, Alyssa, Jerry and Laurent, and the many others that I have met since beginning my vocation in ministry that I excite at being in their lives for the years to come. I think of my wife also, and the fact that marrying her had more to do with being able to go through the journey of life with her than any specific destination point. 

The only thought I had after sharing this was, "this is what healthy community and relationships look like." I know that I can really on the people God has placed in my life and I know that life isn't going to always be cupcakes and roses. It's good to know that I have struggles and people to walk with me as I go through it. And I the same for them.

The older I get, the more I realize how important the quality of friends is to quantity. I remember growing up and comparing the number of facebook friends we have with others to determine social status. Now, I cringe at the thought that this was the case! I couldn't care less about the amount of facebook friends I have, but I care more so about the quality of people I surround myself with.

Community has helped grow me into a man that's ready to be a ministry leader, ready to become a husband, ad will be there to prepare me when Erica and I become parents. I have seen that associating myself with other people that understand how much they need Jesus on a regular basis has reminded me just how much I need Jesus on a regular basis.

This is what we have to look forward to while being in the present. We know that tough times are coming, we may not know exactly what they look like, but praise be to God for we have community to rely on when those times come. We have community to rejoice with when there is time to rejoice. 

This life is to be shared, and who better to share life with than people that want to see you build a better relationship with Christ. People that want to see you serve your wife how Christ serves the church. See you lead a ministry with utmost humility and grace.

I don't want to take for granted how much of a blessing my church community is. 

I fully understand that finding good church community can be a hard and long endeavor in most cases. I also know that previous hurt from a church community can make the desire to seek out new community in a new place even more difficult. 

Simply, I'd say don't let a church hurt turn into a God wound. Don't allow some people to represent all people. Also I'd say its okay to find someone to talk with about it. Whether it be professional help or someone you truly trust. Wounds are meant to be healed. Humans are fallible, God is infallible. 

Healthy community will help build you up in the best ways possible.

It takes a village to raise a child, and we are still being raised and shaped every day. Community is one of the ways God goes about providing healing, love, and correction. 

A Christian walk is not meant to be walked alone. I'd encourage you to start slowly seeking to build relationships that push you closer to Christ on a daily basis.

Keep it clutch.


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