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Showing posts from May, 2021

How I've Been

 "So Chrissian, how have you been?" This is always a difficult question to answer. Namely because I have to discern just how vulnerable I want to be, and just how much I want to disclose. It is a question I always want to answer honestly, especially being a person that wears his heart on his sleeve. I feel that the last six weeks I have been asked this question more than any other point in my life. So while I've neglected this blog and haven't posted anything, I figured I'd keep everyone updated by typing this out.  Let me start by saying that God is sovereign. That alone answers any question about my well being in my eyes, namely because if the God of the universe is in control, imma be alright (Romans 8:28).  That being said, lets talk about the ministry this passed semester and talk about what God has really been up to. We were able to raise up a student leadership team at "the awakening" and they were a part of cultivating a culture where young adult