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Showing posts from February, 2023

It's About the Journey

 And if you going through it, cling to God, let Him hold you It ain't the destination, it's the journey that molds you But when you going through it, cling to God, let Him hold you It ain't the destination, it's the journey that molds you   "Nick, I'm not looking forward to anything in particular three years from now other than the fact that in three years., I'll have known you for three more years than I know you now."  The words came out of my mouth without much thought but a whole lot of feeling. Nick and I had been discussing our youth and future in ministry and I realized that while we are young, we could often times look forward to things in the future without really caring for the present. In this instance however, I was considering the fact that Nick and I are better friends than I had thought recently. Not best friends, maybe not close friends, but definitely good friends. As we were talking I thought of how Nick and I have gotten to know eac