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Showing posts from February, 2022

Doing Ministry in the Midst of Grief

From left to right: my father, myself, my grandfather, my older brother 85 years. That is a long time. A lot can happen in 85 years. Just looking at America, we had a world war, civil rights, Vietnam war, gulf war, 9/11, a pandemic, the Cubs AND the Redsox broke curses in winning the world series, the Eagles won a super bowl... 85 years is a long time. And it is the amount of years that my grandfather was blessed to walk this earth. I think it is important to put things in perspective all the time. This is definitely one of those times. My grandfather was a minister for the Lord for over 40 years, he was able to help launch an orphanage, and he impacted the lives of so many people over the course of his life.  I personally am not in mourning over my grandfather. I rejoice in his passing knowing that he is with the Lord, that he served faithfully with his life and ran his race with endurance all the way till the end. I am proud to know my grandfather did these things and ultimately set